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The Statue of Liberty, image of students behind

Le Institut pour   

  Préoccupations des immigrants

Nous nous spécialisons dans l'enseignement de l'anglais aux locuteurs d'autres langues.

Etude Anglais 
dansLa ville de New York

Nous sommes situés à Chelsea, Manhattan.

Teacher teaching and counselling students

Nous sommes Immigrants 

Nous accueillons les réfugiés, les demandeurs d'asile politique et tous les immigrants, quel que soit leur statut d'immigration.

Anglais   Programmes  


Télécharger le programme pourniveau débutant, intermédiaire et avancé.

IIC_Calendar am.jpg

Matin d'hiver 2023 (EN LIGNE)

  • Les cours commenceront le31 janvier et se terminera leMars 9th

  • 10h00 à 12h00 les mardis et jeudis

  • Frais d'inscription120 $ (paiement unique)


Soirée Hiver 2023

  • Les cours commenceront le31 janvier et se terminera le 9 mars

  • 18h00 à 20h00 les mardis et jeudis

  • Frais d'inscription120 $ (paiement unique)

Class in session

S'inscrire maintenant!

Hiver 2023


Nous acceptonstoutétudiants,quel que soit leur statut d'immigration aux États-Unis.

Les cours sontlibrepouraccordéréfugiés et demandeurs d'asile politiques.

Hiver 2023 Matin 

  • Les cours commenceront le17 janvier et se terminera le9 mars

  • 10h00 à 12h00 les mardis et jeudis

  • Frais d'inscription160 $ (paiement unique)

Soirée Hiver 2023

  • Les cours commenceront le17 janvier et se terminera le9 mars

  • 18h00 à 20h00 les mardis et jeudis

  • Frais d'inscription160 $ (paiement unique)

2025 Winter In Person Morning Class (beginner)

  • The classes will start on February 18th and will end on April 10th

  • 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Registration Fee from $100 (one-time payment; including all class materials)

Qu'est-ce que notre  Heureux  

  Les élèves sont Saying 

skyline of New York City
students working together

J'ai suivi deux cycles de ce programme d'anglais et je pense que c'est un très bon endroit pour apprendre l'anglais. Le professeur ici est good et j'aime la façon dont il nous enseigne. Il est très important que les élèves aiment les enseignants et la façon dont ils enseignent. J'ai appris beaucoup de choses en étudiant dans cette école d'anglais. Je serais heureux de recommander ce bon programme à d'autres personnes !

—  Milena Savic deSerbie

 [ 2025 Winter Cycle ESL Program  ] 

Registration Opens!

get 20% off by January 20th

Dear Friends,

We're sorry to inform you that the Co-founder and Executive Director, Donna Lee Kelsh, had passed away. Our heart will always be with her and we will continue her mission.

Donna Lee Kelsh
August 3,1941 - April 15, 2024

    For over 50 years, Donna Lee Kelsh, born in Manchester, Connecticut, devoted herself to helping newly arrived immigrants to this country, especially refugees and political asylees including Soviet Jews, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Afghan, African and Kosovar and recently Ukrainian. She focused her efforts on helping them learn the English language which is necessary when navigating in a new environment and building a new life in the US. She did that through the creation of language learning centers, training centers for ESL teachers, programs for job placements and a team of paralegals that assist in the immigration process with the help from Columbia University, NYU, LAC and New School. 


    Throughout 49 years of her career, she has made her impact in the classrooms, non-profit organizations such as YM-YWHA and YMCA, and in colleges such as Marymount Manhattan College and College of Saint Vincent. During her time at the YMCA she initiated a unique program serving the entire New York City literacy community called CAFÉ GLOBAL. It oversaw construction of a full-service café as well as an on-the-job food service training program. In addition, she initiated a TRAINING RESOURCE HOTLINE, a city-wide hotline for access to information about free skills training programs, HIV/AIDS preventive education workshops for basic education, and the enrollment of ESOL students in city-wide literacy programs. While she was working at Marymount Manhattan College, she co-founded Institute For Immigrant Concerns, which became a non-profit organization in 2013 and is still operating. IIC provides English Literacy Programs that accept all immigrants.  Her responsibilities were to overlook IIC's operation, and she was in charge of grant and fundraising events.  With her for over 40 in this field, was Mark Brik, who assisted her as education director for many of the programs that Donna initiated and operated. 


    Apart from the programs she created, she published a training manual that was cited in an article by the Literacy Assistance Center and received several awards for her community service, program innovation, and program excellence. Her awards included a grant for EFL and she engaged in cross-cultural seminars in the Czech Republic. 


Other honors include: 

  • finalist in Peter Drucker Foundation Award for Program Innovation

  • Literacy Recognition Award, LAC

  • YMCA Discovery Award for Program Excellence

  • Gold Medal Awards, West Side Association of Commerce


    Donna was a fierce advocate for immigrants, refugees and asylees, yet she was kind to the staff and students who participated in her programs. She was a tough lobbyist with politicians while working to get funding for her immigrant centered programs. Her efforts on behalf of immigrant communities also garnered numerous articles in the Times and she was mentioned on TV.

In addition to her work for immigrant communities, she was also a lover of art, a collage artist and a civil rights advocate. She has supported and donated to Doctors without Borders, UNICEF and the ACLU. As a resident of Chelsea for most of her life, she was very involved with the Chelsea community. She will be missed in her Chelsea community and as a major force in the immigrant literacy community. 


If you would like to make a donation in memory of Donna, please

Institute For Immigrant Concerns

116 W 23rd St FL5,

New York NY, 10011                                                                              

 by Freddy Jacobs, ESL instructor, IIC

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